23-12-11 :*

Pada tarikh 23-08-11 seorang lelaki yg tersangat special bagi diri aku iaitu SADZRUL HASMEEZAN SAIDIN telah melamar aku untuk menemani die dan menjadi teman hidup die untuk selamanya. ATAU lebih senang nk ckp lah kan menjadi girlfriend die dgn menerima cinta dan kasih sayang sepenuhnya drpd die. Die melamar aku pd jam 08-15pm, dlm keadaan mengntukk. Die sbnrnya sajasaja untuk melamar tapi lamaran die yg sajasaja tu amat bermkna buat diri die krn die berkata bahawasanya aku amat menghargai die dlm ape saja bende yg dilakukan selama die couple dgn aku. Die jugak ckp tak sia-sia die mntk couple dgn aku. Auwhhhh ♥ hihi. And dlm pukul 04-05am bertarikh 23-12-11 aku dikejutkan dgn call drpd die .Aku pun angkt lah kan, pastu die ckp nk mntk putus. Aku terkejut gila dgn prkataan yg terkeluar dr mulut die tu. Aku pun tnye knpe semua kan :/ rupanya bende tuu, bende yg kononya serious sngt --' (takkan nk bgtahu kut, biarlah rahsia) aku pun ckpckp semua, lpastu kjp lagi die gelakgelak --' mcm ape je, aku dh menangis bagai. Die boleh gelak je. hmm :/ rupanya die gelak tu ade makna, die bergurau je pasal semua tu, die nk uji aku lah kononya, errr o_O bengang je aku. Bende mcm tu boleh pulak die bergurau, ape laaahhhhhhh! Aku merajuk kejap, hihi. Then okay balik. Rasa mcm nightmare :/ teruk sngt. Tapi tkpe lah, die ingt tentang tarikh keramat tuu, aku yg tak ingt lnsung. Maaaaalunyaaaa :* its okay, aku bersyukur sngt hubungan aku dgn die dah semakin elok, and dh lame kut. Setahun lebih, PERFECT! ofcourse lah bangga, aku tk pernah couple dgn laki selama ni and seserious ni. Auwhhh ♥ I WANT YOU TO BE MY HUSBAND, YOU GOT IT? ILOVEYOUTILLFOREVER ♥

read it boys :>

The Way Hows To get Girls HEARTS :')

P/s :
1- hug her from behind with a lots of love
2- grab her hands when you guys walk next to each other
3- when standing, wrap your arms around her
4- cuddle with her
5- dont force anything that she doesnt want to do
6- write a little notes with a sweet qoute <3
7- compliment her
8- support her on everyhting that she is doing
9- say ILOVEYOU and hug her, hold in your arms as long as possible
10- brush the hair out of her eyes
11- comfort her and calm down when she is crying
12- love her with your hearts :*

Attention GIRLS : add this if you think its sweet
GUYS : add this if you would do any of it ;)

Me without you is like?

A pot head who is not high
A plane that doesnt fly
A suicidal that doesnt die
A fat man with no boobs
A condon with no lube
A starcraft with no noobs
A hooker with no luck
A hoe that doesnt sucks
A slut that doesnt f***
A shoe with no laces
A nerd without braces
A phone without a dial
A gay guy without style
A sentence without space
A desk without a seat
S*** without a pile
Socks without feets
A heart missing its beats

I do love you sweetheart :>